Friday, May 18, 2007

Keep Your Yapper Shut

Why can't Jason Giambi just shut his fat mouth and play baseball? Giambi started off his interview with some actual real insight, and good points. He said that MLB should apologize to its fans for the steroid problem that controlled the game for over two decades. While I think that will really do a disservice to those who actually played the game right, and never used performance enhancing drugs, I can see Giambi's point. But then, the former roid monkey makes a ridiculous statement, and I actually think this jerk really believes this.....

"That stuff didn't help me hit home runs. I don't care what people say, nothing is going to give you that gift of hitting a baseball."

Jason...let's get serious here. You used to stick needles in your a$$ and pop pills, for what, just to fill out your 3 XL A's and Yankees jersey a little more. If steroids didn't help you hit home runs, then what the f*ck were you taking them It certainly isn't for recovering from injuries and the daily grind, because while steroids definitely help in that aspect, it's all about stepping to the plate and driving in runs. I would agree that hitting a baseball is probably the hardest thing to do in sports, and that being an exceptional hitter takes a "gift" and lots of practice....but the extra 30 pounds of beef you add to your frame will help improve bat speed, and with every action there is an opposite and equal reaction. You throw those horse steroid arms straight through a baseball with faster bat speed...guess what you get, Jason.....HOME RUNS, you bloated bastard. Even I can tell I am hitting a softball further after going to the gym for a long period of absolutely makes a difference.

So spare us the "yeah I took 'em, but they didn't help" BS and do what you should have done a long time ago....admit what you did, apologize, and then keep your mouth shut. You're a loser anyways...with your pervert slicked hair and your flame tattoos. Why don't you go call your brother Jeremy and go start a bar fight somewhere? I hope you guys get bottled and kicked in the face by Red Sox fans. You're a disgrace (insert an image of me spitting in your face here). And then running away, of course.


Anonymous said...

check out the big brains on suds....every action has an equal and opposite many old science books from elementary school did you scour for that one

Simply Suds said...

At least a few, and I'm so blacked out right now it would blow your mind. That's from my AP Physics class in high school you jerk. Simply Suds has mad brains, and gets mad brain.