Professional Athlete's Wives Suck At Life
I'm not really sure what to make of this one, but part of me thinks that this must be a joke. Recently an avid reader of the The Win Column (I know I couldn't believe we still have those either) pointed a website out to me that is completely dedicated to catering to athlete's wives and I've been baffled by it ever since.
I always thought that professional athletes wives had basically won a lottery of sorts. They were essentially plucked out of relative nothingness, and not only brought into the national spotlight, but ever since the day they said "I do" the 'working world' as you and I know it ceased to exist for them. They get put up in million dollar homes, get pimp cars, have people wait on them hand and foot and never......EVER....have to worry about working another day in their life. If their husband is a super star, and they aren't completely heinous (i.e. Kurt Warner's wife) they might end up on national TV or some sh*t. Right?
Well apparently life for professional athelete's wives isn't all chocolate chip cookies and gum drops because they have a website ( that is designed to give " self-help, motivational articles, approved announcements from the leagues and management, and informative news from government agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States Secret Service, and other league security officials, to inform members on scams and schemes created by individuals who prey upon and steal from athletes and other famous, wealthy people."
"Motivational articles". What in christ's name do they need movitational articles for? Randomly being dropped into the lap of luxery isn't motivating enough you whiney sluts?. The website goes on to say:
"Have you ever noticed how a wife has a knack of turning a house into a home? Or can take an empty refrigerator of leftovers and turn it into a full meal? And, what about that special kiss, or those comforting words that can infuse invisible strength and empower our loved ones to go out and tackle any situation and kill Goliath!"
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that most athletes wives aren't struggling to cook dinner every night. Their personal chefs are, but not them. And I'm not sure maxing out your husband's credit cards is 'turning a house into a home'. But hey, thats just me.
So next time you're done paying the monthly bills and check the bottom line in the bank account and you're less then enthused. Just imagine how tough it could be to be married to a millionaire.
*Thanks to Staci for the heads up