Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I Declare Shenanigans

So, George Foreman is now saying that he was drugged before his famous 1974 bout with Muhhamad Ali, dubbed "The Rumble in the Jungle". Don't you think that you might have wanted to bring this up, oh say 33 or so years ago? Honestly, what is the point of this? Are you trying to bait Ali into a rematch, because for some reason (mainly Parkinsons), I don't think he is the same kind of fighter he used to be.

Foreman says that someone gave him water that "tasted like medicine", but he drank it anyways. Well, who's fault is that? He claims that after 3 rounds, he felt like he had already fought 15 rounds. That had nothing to do with the 95 degree weather, and the 6,000 punches you threw in the first 9 minutes of the fight, right? Get over it buddy, you lost to the best fighter of all time. There is no shame in that. Just take it like a man, go grill yourself a burger or 25, and take solace in the fact that you have millions of dollars...

Or if it will make you feel better, make up more excuses for fights that were over 30 years ago, and see if you can get a rematch, you bum.


Chieftain said...

Solid post - was going to blog about this earlier, but didn't have the time. The only thing I don't agree with is that "Ali was the greatest fighter of all-time". Most influential, but not the greatest. That distinction has to be to either Sugar Ray Robinson or Joe Louis.

Lytedogg said...

Arguments for the best fighter of all time can be made for many different people. It is just my opinion that Ali was.

Also, didn't you ever listen to Ali. He even told everyone that, "I am the greatest." Weren't you paying attention?

Wastepal said...

I think Lalia Ali should fight George after she is done embarissing the family name on Dancing with the stars.. which is not a bad show if you can look past the dancing part and just watch it for what it is.. really hot, really fit, really flexible chicks.. dancing with has beens..

(Oh yeah my money would be on Lalia for that fight)

Simply Suds said...

Although I agree this probably should have been said over 3 decades ago to have legitimacy, it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that this happened. The fight took place in the bankrupt country of Zaire (now Congo) to raise money for a struggling ISLAMIC country. The fans needed to be happy, do you know what would have happened if an American defeated a Muslim in Zaire????? He'd be killed, and a country would revolt.

Think outside the box.