Thursday, May 10, 2007

That's a Kick In the Sack If I've Ever Seen One

Steve McNair was arrested early Wednesday morning for his second DUI in 4 years. Sounds pretty common, no? He got cocked, got behind the wheel of his $100,000 car, and got caught. Wrong. McNair wasn't even driving the friggin' car!!!!!!!!!!! Get this, in the state of Tennessee (listen up Commodore, this could apply to you) can get a DUI if you are an intoxicated passenger in the car of someone else that's intoxicated. Confused? I think that is the most retarded thing I've ever heard of. I mean, if you want to really get serious, shouldn't the passenger face a different charge than "Driving Under the Influence?" McNair was obviously annihilated and was probably having some high quality puntang follow him home, when he gets the ultimate kick in the nuts. McNair could even be suspended by the NFL because technically it's his second dewey, and the NFL has a no tolerance policy. If I were McNair, I'd just start smoking tons of weed right now. I mean like pounds of weed. How could his life get any worse? I'd hire one of my buddies to just drive me around while I bar hop and do creepy things in the back of the Cadillac Escalade I'd own. Go directly to the bar, McNair, and drink until you puke and piss your pants. Why? Because you're a jerk....and you suck anyway.

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