Free Throw Challenge for Bud Kingers
By clicking on the link below, you will redirected to a Flash Basketball game where you will shoot free throws.
Choose the 30 second challenge.
Be honest and post your best results. The winner will get a 6 pack of Bud Kingers from Nightmare.
Free Throw Contest
Two tries thus far...10 and 16. You?
My top score so far is 18. I have a sick diaper shot.
18 three times in a row. I can't top it!!!
after playing for a solid hour, 23 is my highest.
Man, between this game and Minesweeper, I'm definitely going to get fired.
I also got 23. How long is this contest going to last? Because I am still unemployed and will treat this game like it were my job tomorrow. I really like Bud Kingers.
Honestly, I got a 0 twice in a row. Fuck this game, I'll buy my own Bud Light. What the hell is Bud Kingers?
Bud Kingers = 16 oz of pure enjoyment.
Game ends tomorrow at 5pm.
I WILL get at least 27 by 5 pm
i only got a 6 on my first try.
is that slowstuff on the line?
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