Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Joe Girardi: Don't Be An Idiot

Mr. Steinbrenner...please get Joe Girardi on the phone. He's currently employed by the giant which is the New York Yankees as a YES Network broadcaster...so, locating him (and ASAP)shouldn't be much of a task.

When you reach Mr. Girardi, assure him that he will be the Yankees manager next season (unless the Yanks win the World Series this year). During this conversation, cordially remind him that the Orioles play in the AL East...and that he has a far better chance of winning the lottery than the Orioles do of winning the division while under his tenure. Remind him that the two largest payrolls in baseball reside in the AL East. By taking the Orioles job, nothing good can come out of it! Remind him that he's a World Series champion, part of a dynasty, and the residing NL Manager of the Year. A WINNER. Baltimore doesn't breed winners, only failures. After a few inevitable seasons of continuous losing in Baltimore, Girardi's tip-top resume will be on life support. Lastly, remind him that Peter Angelos is the worst owner in baseball -- maybe in all of sports.

Joe...please make the right decision, as YOU (not Mattingly...despite my love affair for the guy) are next in line.

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