A New Level Of Human Depravity
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Posted by
12:08 AM
Important information to have over the weekend, gentlemen: Chicks prefer it doggystyle (demonstrated above by my lovely assistant, Jessica Alba).
In a recent poll done by iVillage, 200 hundred women were surveyed about their favorite position. They were give the following options:
A) Missionary
B) Woman on top
C) Doggy Style
D) Other
The hands down winner by over 50 votes was doggystyle. So this weekend when you're letting what's-her-face from the bar ride you to drunken-glory, do her a favor and flip her around. It'll show her that you're in touch with her feelings, even if you can't remember her name.
Posted by
3:56 PM
Posted by
Simply Suds
1:15 PM
I'll be the first to admit I have no idea who Krystal Forscutt is. I had to GOOGLE her name just to find out that the only thing she is famous for is being on Australia's Big Brother in 2006. Let me tell you....with a face and cans like that....she's in store for biiiiiiiiig things. I almost can't believe what I'm seeing here. What a dime ! I mean if this girl wanted to strap me to a wall for 72 hours and beat me with a whip while pouring rubbing alcohol over my open wounds....I'd still be into it. My Bud Light can would fit perfectly in between her t*ts.....something else that really appeals to me.
Posted by
Simply Suds
11:53 AM
Last night I had the opportunity to attend my first Christmas Party of the year and I noticed one thing....that they are an absolute blast! Christmas as a holiday gets a lot of respect. Everyone gets presents, christmas trees, lights, and Santa but how cool is the actual Christmas party. Usually there is a phenominal amount of booze being consumed. Depending on your employer and or school booze is most of the time on the house. If the party is not a shitshow its usually early enough where you can leave and black out at the next watering hole. I have yet to meet anyone that just goes home after a lame christmas party. You're already out so make it a shitshow. Sometimes you have to dress up, sometimes you try to dress like cousin eddy and try to find the most ridiculous christmas sweater and turtleneck you can find. It is also a good time to smother your face in some nice old fashion......what was that shit we use to eat in the day?.....oh yeah....pussey! Single girls begin to feel a little lonely and its an opportune time to put on the nice guy hat and give them a little love and affection for the cold winter months.
So if any of you readers will be attending a Holiday party in the next couple of months....get ready and don't take it for granted. Before you know it, it will be new years....and we all know how overrated that is.
Posted by
The Commodore
10:49 AM
Happy Chanukah to all of our Hebrew readers out there. May your 8 nights be filled with joy and happiness. Much respect to the Old Testament and hot Jewish women. Enjoy your holiday and we'll see ya at Passover !
Posted by
Simply Suds
11:36 PM
Posted by
Simply Suds
1:28 PM
Posted by
Simply Suds
11:18 AM
Posted by
Simply Suds
9:26 AM
I wish Iron Mike could have a weekly segment here on the Win Column. Everything that comes out of his mouth is pure gold.
Here's to you, champ.
Posted by
Simply Suds
11:20 PM
Posted by
Simply Suds
12:07 PM
Posted by
Simply Suds
11:55 AM
With the blessing of Norman P., I bring you a reinactment of Suds' Saturday night...
Posted by
10:58 AM
Posted by
Norman P. Orlando
10:28 AM
Posted by
Norman P. Orlando
9:45 AM
Posted by
Simply Suds
4:02 PM
Posted by
Norman P. Orlando
11:58 AM
Don Shula. The most overrated coach in the history of the NFL. The guy that couldn't lead Dan Marino to a championship with all the weapons he had. Do we have to watch this guy for the rest of the year as the Patriots try to stay undefeated and break the only record that Shula and the rest of his 1972 butt pirate Dolphins whine and complain about whenever an NFL team is undefeated past week 10 ?
Seriously, this old, wrinkled bafoon should stay home and watch the games on TV. Nobody care what he or Mercury Morris has to say ? "Don't call me when you're in my neighborhood, call me when you're on my block !" Hey Mercury, how about I don't call you at all. How about you drop dead from a stroke.
Posted by
Simply Suds
9:45 AM
Posted by
Simply Suds
9:22 AM
I stumbled across this video via HOLLYWOODTUNA.COM and I'm still scratching my head. What the hell is going on here ? Why did they invent dance moves that resemble the chicken dance just to promote having a bad case of diarreah? And who needs to call an ambulance when they have the sh*ts ? Normally I would think that you'd just get some good reading material and bunker down on your sh*tter for a few hours while it passes eventually. Just ask Nightmare...he should know. He had the stomach cramps and craps most of Saturday afternoon while farting all over his apartment and smelling the place like a diarreah diaper.
I guess I'll just have to keep scratching my head on this one. I'm lost.
Posted by
Simply Suds
3:31 PM
This one is for you Suds. Twenty minutes of in depth investigative journalism centering around what your life would be like if you have an ridiculously huge cock. Just skip the intro, its about a minute and a half long. The rest is pure gold. Enjoy.
Posted by
11:24 AM
With over 1.2 million hits on youtube last week, Sandee Westgate's review of the new Bruce Willis flick "Live Free or Die Hard" became the most watched video on youtube. To be honest with you, I don't think I've ever stared at a pair of tits harder than I just did for the 1:47 that just consumed my life. Those things are friggin ginormous! All I could think about was spreading them apart, sticking my head in the middle...and motorboating the sh*t out of those things for another 1:47.
I suggest you guys all get to youtube and watch this broad do more film reviews. I love how bouncy those breasts are as she talks....this is definitely the kind of girl I'd like to bring home for my mother's lasagna...so my old man could share in the fun of staring at oversized cans.
Posted by
Simply Suds
10:41 AM
If you look up anticlimactic in the dictionary, there should be a little blurb next to it that says "See Simply Suds". What a joke last night was. Granted, I had a great time fraternizing with The Win Column crew out in Cambridge. It even inspired me to come off the DL and fight through symptoms of carpel tunnel to type this little diddy. But wow, my time with Suds was short lived. To recap, Suds was quick out of the gates, immediately welcoming the Crombinator as one of his own and ordering a few shots of tequila. From there, however, things went down hill. FAST. Now, I wouldn't normally sell someone down the river like this, but Suds went after my sweater this morning and I'm a little peeved. At first I could not believe that he had already awoken to pen a few blogs, but then I remebered that he was face down in a puddle of his own drool by 11 pm and probably got 10 solid hours of shut-eye. There was even debate whether the wet spot on his Wranglers was spilled from that last Cape Codder or due to the fact that he was too hamboned to get up and walk to the ladies room. My vote goes to the latter. Anyway, at about 10:30 Suds took a bet from Chieftain that he could do 20 pushups in the bar. Suds made it to 10 and fell over. Of course, this was before he took off his own sweater (probably because mine put it to shame) and proceeded to "flex" in his wife beater for 20 minutes. No joke. Thankfully, however, Suds passed out at the table and was carried out of the bar by some of the other Win Columners to a waiting water taxi. It was only at that point that the ladies next door started to bat their eye lashes and saddle up. So Sudsy, ugly sweater or not, the Combinator is up 1-0. I look forward to the rematch.
Posted by
Adam Combies
1:18 PM
I'm the first one to admit I have an "average" sized hog. What I wouldn't give to have an abnormally sized pecker for one day. It would be unbelievably sweet. I'd wear ass-less chaps and slap my man-sized manicotti from thigh to thigh as I walked down the street. I'd ask girls to play with it, maybe even take it for a test drive while they wait for their iced coffee order to be screwed up by some mallet at Dunky D's.
Wouldn't it be nice......
Posted by
Simply Suds
11:30 AM
Well, well, well. I finally get to put a name to the face of the Crombinator. Even though I may have only technically been awake for 40 minutes inside the bar...let me tell you....he dressed to impress. Maybe it was the tequila, maybe it was the sambuca, or maybe it was the fact that he chose to wear his cat nip sweater out to a bar....hoping some lonely kitten would come clawing at it late night. Who knows! Furthermore, I'd like to add that I hear there were hot chicks at the table while I decided to take a nap....this saddens me. I would have liked to come out of my coma and ask them what there c*nts taste like, and other things that would have surely had me tazered by Boston's finest.
Why ? Cause that's how we roll. Good to finally meet you Crombinator.....sick sweater pal. Holy shit....I hope that finds your fireplace soon.
On a side note...I just sat next to the hottest chick I've ever seen in my entire life at the New York Diner in Watertown. If we're talkin' scales of 1 to 10...she's 14 and legal. What I would have given just to be a home fry in that soft, moist mouth of hers. I'd go as far as to say I would have made out with her while my western omelet melted in our mouths of passion. Or maybe I just could have slapped her on the hood of my car. Whatever she's into.
Posted by
Simply Suds
11:22 AM