Enough is Enough: A Public Transportation Manifesto
This may just be my social OCD kicking in here but do you feel that most people act like complete jerk-offs on public transportation? I mean as soon as people set foot into a train/bus station their IQ plummets and their douchebagness sky-rockets. I think we can all agree that its inevitable when you use public transportation to get to work there is going to be a certain level of unsought intimacy. However there are a few simple rules that, if followed, can make our daily commutes just a bit more enjoyable and a little less wretched.
1. To all you Moms and Dads out there please…PLEASE keep your friggin strollers off of the train/bus during rush hour(s). If you absolutely have to have your kids there can't you just carry them? I know, I’m sorry. This can come off as extremely insensitive. But I don’t give a flying f*ck. It’s the truth. A stroller is a menace on a crowded train/bus and chances are it really doesn’t need to be there. Anyone who has played a pseudo game of twister on a train because of trying to jockey around a stroller knows what I’m talking about.
2. When a flood of people are trying to get out the door at a stop and you’re the asshole in the way DON’T stand in the middle of the train! Get off, stand to the side and let everyone get out, then get back on. Its really not that hard.
Speaking of getting off the train….
3. I’m sure you’ve heard this about a million times but for some reason some people can’t grasp the concept. You’re supposed to WAIT for everyone to get off the train then get on. Regardless, every T stop I’m at there is some moron that is fighting the traffic getting off just to get on. First off, if you’re that excited to get to work you need to relax you body. Secondly if you’re that anxious to get a seat chances are you could probably use the exercise of standing.
4. Try your hardest to shower and brush your teeth. No one wants to smell your awful BO or breath.
5. Lastly, unless you are a completely blazin’ chick that smells great people really don’t want to be that close to you. Just do your best to keep your own personal space. We’re in this together guys. I mean we put a man on the moon for christ’s sake, we should be able master the art of riding the train everyday.
Any other thoughts?