Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Crack Is Making A Comeback!

That’s right folks, our good ole friend crack cocaine is making a comeback and you heard it here first. Some nitwits down at the U.S. Sentencing Commission thought that all those “criminals’ who got busted for crack were actually really nice people with good hearts and decided to take a look at the law again. So this week they’re meeting to discuss/vote on the possibility of easing of crack cocaine punishment guidelines. Lets just say for the sake of this post that they actually do change the law and make the mandatory minimum sentencing much less drastic. Not only will they change the law moving forward, these retards are making the decision retro-active, so all the crackheads from New Jack City will reap the benefits. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's seems to be spearheading the movement….maybe she was in the holiday spirit with Chanukah and all.

Either way, just think in a few short months the flood gates will open and the onslaught will begin. Sorry to all of you guys who bought property in ‘new and upcoming’ neighborhoods. Those neighborhoods have recently been down-graded to ‘shit out of luck, spiraling downward rapidly’ neighborhoods.


Anonymous said...

Please see http://www.ussc.gov/r_congress/cocaine2007.pdf

This is likely to evenly punish cocaine/crack offenders who are committing same crime yet receiveing unequal punishment.

Marone said...
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Marone said...
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Marone said...

They don't let the guys out of prison automatically, Normy Cochrane, they just cut the sentences down by an average of about a year-and-a-half per offender (from 12.5 yrs to 10.5) retroactively (per your favorite jerking off site, npr.org). And good thing for you, I don't believe there'll be a lot of crackheads heading back to P-Town, so your sanctuary city is safe.

And aren't you supposed to be in favor of this? Most hippies (and reasonable, contributing members of society, too) are against mandatory sentencing with regard to drug offenses. What gives?

Norman P. Orlando said...

I wonder what those deleted comments were all about. Anywho, I am in favor of doing away with any type of mandatory minimum sentencing for drug offenses. I think that it should be a case by case basis and any type of blanket rules are a bad thing. So on one hand I think aesthetically this is a good idea. However do I want a lot of crackheads runnning around....no. Don't get me wrong I live in God's country so no crackheads here. its you I'm worried about. And as for your comments about the PLY....I Don't think releasing several hundred crackheads in that town would hurt anything

Marone said...

Hey dummy, I was talking about Provincetown, not the PLY.

Norman P. Orlando said...

either way i stand by my comment