Quite Frankly, This is Hilarious...
As discovered by Deadspin, the "Steven A. Smith Heckling Society of Gentlemen" were back at it during last night's NBA Draft.
Couple things I learned from this...
- This video reconfirms my infatuation with Mike Conley, Jr.
- Going forward, Joakim Noah will always be referenced as the "People's Princess" (and rightfully so).
- As the puppet so eloquently notes, Spencer Hawes is going to be a BUST. Anyways, does anyone recall his interview with Stuart Scott last night?? You know, the one in which he claims he's going to become a better basketball player by working on improving his athleticism?? Huh? Spencer - I hate to be the one to break this to you, but your "athleticism" is what it is...it can't be improved. If his name were not "Spencer", he'd be getting a lot of sh*t for being such an idiot. Just stating the facts.
Cheez Doodles!!!!
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